Winslow AZ, Meteor Crater AZ, Flagstaff

Anyone traveling along I40 through Arizona has to stop off in Winslow Arizona

Well I'm standing on the corner in Winslow Arizona ....

Such a fine sight to see

Although most people will remember the words of the Eagles hit Take it Easy
most don't realize that while the music was written by Glenn Fry of the Eagles
the words were actually written by Jackson Brown

The song is about an incidence that actually happened to Jackson Brown in the early 70's  

Since the song is this tiny town's claim to fame they have embraced it by building a park in the center of town where hundreds of tourists stop daily to have their picture taken

After doing the touristy picture thing we took a ride through the tiny town and were surprised to learn that out here,...  in the middle of desert, .. is the beautiful  La Posada Hotel 

This is a very beautiful and luxurious southwest style hotel

Just 30 miles outside of town we stopped to tour the best preserved meteor impact crater on earth

The crater was formed 50,000 years ago when a meteor traveling 26,000 hit the earth.
The crater is almost a mile across and so closely resembles the moon craters that
back in the 70"s NASA trained the moon astronauts here
It was a great tour and they have a museum here as well

 Since we have been in the desert since Amarillo Tx. the higher elevation (7000 ft) and
evergreen trees of Flagstaff Az. were a pleasant change.
We even had to turn the heat on here

Flagstaff is a large college town along the old route 66 that is also served by the train  

Love the old neon signs

There is an extensive park system here with miles and mile of hiking a running trails 
We did some hiking in Buffalo Park while here

They even get several of feet of snow in winter
Flagstaff was a fun town in the high country of Arizona


  1. Looks like you are having a good time. Great pics keep em coming 😃. Love you guys


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