BLM, St George and Hurricane Utah
Special Note:
Although our plan is to head north and east towards Colorado we have been seeing overnight temps in the low 20's up north at the elevations in Colorado.
Even though the RV is heated and so are all the tanks we have slowed down just a bit while we wait for over night temps to warm.
Campgrounds and RV parks are great with all their amenities, however we also like to take advantage of the more natural setting of free BLM camping when it is available.

We stayed one night in the St George Gorge which is in Nevada just outside of St George Utah
Although like most BLM areas it has no electric or water with our fresh water, black and grey water tanks we are capable of going 4 days and nights self without such services.
We also have a built in generator so we can be out in the middle of nowhere and have electric for the DVD player, TV, laptops and cell phones.
Of course, out here on the open range you have to watch your step around the neighbors
They don't look too friendly, do they?
Across the state line in Utah is the very family oriented town of St. George Utah
Many mothers were in the many downtown parks with their kids.
There are several historic museums as well as a carousel.
The entire downtown area has lots of green space and many sculptures and arts projects.
The people of this area were very friendly and outgoing even to strangers just passing through.
Not far from St George is the town of.. (I hate even saying it) ..Hurricane Utah.
Thankfully we didn't meet anyone named Irma here.
Even with a name like Hurricane this area of Southern Utah is just beautiful.
Mixed in with the sage brush are beautiful red sandstone mesas and mountain vistas
A large earthen dam was built across a valley in Hurricane to create a 1322 acre reservoir that is the center piece of Sand Hollow State Park.
We spent 5 nights camping in Sand Hollow and one day Debbie says,.....
"lets take a walk around the lake"...... 3 hours and 6.8 miles later we made it back just before dark.
In the future we will do a little research before we take such a walk.
But seriously, this part of Utah is just beautiful and varied in the terrain and interesting things to see.
You can even climb a waterfall if you want.
Don't miss out if you ever head this way...
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