Idaho,... more than great potatos
Idaho, more than great potatoes (I know, I crack myself up sometimes...) So after leaving Utah we headed into Idaho, land of great potatoes, right?? But there is sooo much more to Idaho than that. We spent a total of 5 nights in Idaho at three different locations. We found Idaho to be both beautiful and full of history. We spent two camped on a bluff above the Snake River at Massacre Rock State Park. This place is called Massacre Rock because of an incident on August 9 and 10, 1862. S ettlers in five wagons traveling along the Oregon Trail clashed with the Shoshoni Indians here. The fight involved four wagon trains and 10 immigrants died in the fighting. From our campsite we were able to hike along the Snake River following part of the Oregon Trail. While it may be difficult to see in this photo below, wagon wheel ruts are still visible running across the prairie along the fence line in this photo. Amazing to thi...