The Oregon Coast Part 2

Pacific City, Seaside and northward

Continuing up the coast on Hwy 101 Pacific City and Seaside was a beautiful and varied landscape

The rocky coastline is so different from Florida

There are beautiful beaches where you can drive on the beach and even launch your
flat bottom Dory boat right from the beach

We spent hours on the rocks exploring the many tidal pools

On the rocks in Seaside we founds huge seagulls nesting with young chicks

And although we had to use the zoom on the camera, we found Puffins nesting in the rocks too..

We did some hiking out to another waterfall

And we took an morning hike in the fog out on Cape Look Out

These banana slugs were everywhere

You can hardly see the beach down there through all the fog

On one day we headed to Tillamook and stopped at the Tillamook Air Museum

The museum is housed in a former US Navy blimp hanger, called "Hangar B", which is the largest 
clear-span wooden structure in the world. 

The hangar building  is 1,072 feet long and 296 feet  wide, giving it over 7 acres of area. 
It stands at 192 feet (59 m) tall. 

Today the museum houses a collection of aircraft

There is also a large area filled with miniature recreations of the D-Day invasion and most of the major military campaigns of the war constructed by local WWII veterans.

These veterans spent thousands and thousands of hours volunteering for this exhibit.

Thank you for your service... again

During WWII this facility housed 8 blimps that patrolled the west coast of the US 
looking for enemy submarines.

The aircraft collection and the WWII D Day recreation were interesting but I found the huge
wooden hanger to be amazing... guess I'm just a geek about buildings

After the museum we stopped at the Blue Heron Cheese Company, a local cheese producer

They are one of several local cheese producers and they had wine tastings and sold their product
out of this restored dairy barn on their property

But in Tillamook the Big Kahuna cheese company is of course,
Tillamook Cheese (and Ice Cream) company  

This place was mobbed, it was like Disneyland for cheese lovers.
You can also take a tour of the cheese making facility

Below are the huge vats where they make the cheese

Cheese inspection.... We have a close family member who could do that!!

And of course after the tour you just have to try a taste or two....right?
We went for the ice cream tasting area instead of the cheese area.

There is a gift shop where you can buy "cheesy" t-shirts and souvenirs

We really enjoyed our time in this area but it is time to moooooove on


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