Heading to Albuquerque

On Our Way To Albuquerque 

With just under two weeks until the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta
we have about 1100 miles to cover to get there.

So we made a quick two night stop in the Flaming Gorge area of Utah

Came across this... display in a country store way out in the country.
The things you see on the road, right?

Moved on to Vernal Utah where we went to Dinosaur National Monument

An actual dinosaur skeleton on display.

Millions of years ago a great river flowed through this area with a sharp bend where 
this desert hillside is today. 
Over time, as water levels rose and fell, and dinosaurs died, their bones were swept away 
and deposited in the river bank here leaving this large collection of bones.

Although many bones and full skeletons have been removed and shipped all over the country 
there are still over 1500 actual dinosaur bones here in the hill side.

Back in Vernal Utah it was time to have a little service done on Winne.
Even on the road, you have to keep up with the maintenance.

From Vernal it was onto Colorado where we drove over the hairiest mountain pass we have ever been on with the motorhome, (Douglas Pass) before stopping for two nights in Fruita.

Spent a day in the Colorado National Monument

We were greeted by some of the locals

After two night in Fruita Colorado is was on to Summit County Colorado 

Never get tired of seeing Buffalo Mountain across Lake Dillon.
Especially in the fall.

On to Colorado Springs for a quick one night stop to take care of some business 
and some car maintenance 

And we are off to New Mexico

Sorry for the shorter post but we are moving quicker in order to make our reservation 
at the Balloon Fiesta

A quick note:
 Although I can see many people from all over the world have viewed the blog, 
I don't know who has viewed it or where you are from. 
If you could hit the comment button and let me know where you are viewing it from and your thoughts it would be helpful.


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